Chakradance is a healing movement practice. It’s a form of nourishment for your true self – for your soul. Moving to music specifically created to resonate with each chakra, you are guided into your own inner dance of release and re-connection. It offers a kind of liberation. It feels like coming home.
Chakradance ~ Movement Therapy Modality ~
- Base Chakra – Muladhara – OM
- Sacral Chakra – Svadhisthana – OM
- Solar Plexus Chakra – Manipura – HAM
- Heart Chakra – Anahata – YAM
- Throat Chakra – Visuddha – RAM
- Third Eye Chakra – Ajna – VAM
- Crown Chakra – Sahasrara – LAM
Chakradance immersion is called “Freedom“. It is a 9-week journey to break free from the patterns and traumas of our past so that we can create the life we want.
As we journey through these 9 weeks program, we find freedom within each chakra:
- Freedom in our bodies.
- We free up our emotions and our sensuality.
- We find the freedom to take up space, to love, to speak our truth.
- We let our imagination roam free, and we open to a limitless connection with spirit.
About Chakradance
Chakradance is most powerful when we dance in darkness. Whether we close our eyes, wear an eye mask, or dance in a darkened room, the darkness helps us to turn our attention inward. In this internal space, it can feel like we are dancing in a waking dream. We may see, hear, smell, and taste things that have been previously hidden to us. We may meet aspects of ourselves that we have forgotten. Buried feelings or repressed memories may surface. We may open up to alternate realities or encounter loved ones who have crossed over.
Chakradance takes us deep inside ourselves. It reveals our darkness, our pain, and our wounds, but it also leads us to the beauty, the bliss, and the freedom in our lives. It helps us to experience all that we are. We may not always intellectually understand what is happening in our dance, but there is always great healing going on as we move the energy of our chakras. Chakradance is not something that’s meant to be analysed or overthought; focus instead on being in the moment and let the experience unfold.
Much like meditation, Chakradance is a practice. The more committed we stay to the practice, the deeper the benefits. Each dance is a step toward more freedom in our lives. With each dance, we release the next blockage and allow more energy to flow. Dance by dance, we move our way to wholeness and find a greater sense of balance in our lives.
[Excerpt: Natalie Southgate, ‘Move your Chakra, Change your Life’ book]
The meaning of mandala
The meaning of the word mandala in Sanskrit is circle (Magic Circle). Mandala is a spiritual and ritual symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism, representing the universe. The circular designs symbolizes the idea that life is never ending and everything is connected. The mandala also represents spiritual journey within the individual viewer. So the first level is understanding the unity in cosmos and secondly each individual must find their own place within it. It is sometimes drawn as a circle enclosing a square with a deity on each side that is mainly used to aid in meditation and yoga. Mandalas have many uses apart from meditation as the the designs are meant to remove irritating thoughts and allow the creative mind to run free as well as relaxation. But ultimately people create and look at mandalas to centre the body and mind.